måndag 29 juni 2009

On vacation

We are on vacation so just a short update
The weather is sunny and quite warm.
We are in Simrishamn, south of Sweden.
Just telling you that Helen at Hugs'n Kissing having a giveaway.
Hugs ..........................Ankie

tisdag 23 juni 2009

Like a busy bee

I feel like this little guy or girl.
Can you see him/her???
B-zy, b-zy, and more buzzzzzyy.
The summer has arrived at last.
Today it´s sunny and warm.
Just 4 more workingdays and then vacation for 4 weeks.

I got to have some projects finished before Friday.
Because on Saturday, early in the morning are we leaving Karlholm.
Driving 800km to the south of Sweden .
We´re gonna spend 1 week in a town called Simrishamn (my birthtown).

I paint and while it is drying....
I walk over to the sewing machine
Sew a bit on a little rucksack...
Then back to the mailboxpainting.
I think this is what you can call a creative mess, or ???
The kitchentable is once again occupied.

I want some food please!!!


lördag 20 juni 2009


Today I haven´t been sewing.
I have been painting!!
A mailbox, a birthday-gift to my father.
I used to paint a lot but now it´s mostly quilting.

So , of course I have a new quilt-project.
I have (at least I think I have) chosen the fabrics for this one.
And I´m not gonna tell you what it´s going to be.

I´m sorry that I can´t show any pictures of what I´m doing.
But everything are gifts.


fredag 19 juni 2009

Midsummers Eve

Today we celebrate Midsummers Eve in Sweden.
We make a "Midsommarstång" (picture), dance around it and have a lot of outdoor activities.
But today it´s a lousy weather.
The rain is pouring and it´s cold (about 54 degrees Fahrenheit).
Hopefully it´s getting better during the day.

I´m back behind the sewing machine.
You just get a little peak today.
It´s a gift for someone who might read my blog.

Have a good weekend all of you!!!
Glad Midsommar
Happy Midsummer to all of you!!!


torsdag 18 juni 2009


Now over to something else.
I have tried to avoid this.
No, NO NOOOO Not another hobbie.
Well - OK just a tiny project.
I have made a weddingscrap on a canvas
I think it it´s OK to be my first one.

The lyric is from a swedish song called "Det vackraste".
In english it will be something like "The most beautiful"

A new giveaway.
"Serendipity" celebrates her 50th post.

Dagens recept

En läskande bål till din sommarfest.
Sommardröm (ca 15 glas)
2dl svartvinbärslikör
3dl svartvinbärssaft
2dl koncentrerad fläderdryck
1,5L cider med flädersmak
Citronskivor, en klase vinbär

Äppellycka ett alkoholfritt alternativ (15 glas)
2dl äppeljuice
2dl koncentrerad citrondryck
1 flaska vitt alkoholfritt vin
1,5L grön limeläsk
ur Land nr 25 , 2009


onsdag 17 juni 2009

The weddingquilt is finished

I am really happy , because I have finished the wedding quilt.
The wedding is the 18th of July.
But we are going on vacation so it feels good that the quilt is done.

It is quilted on my Brother Innovis , free motion.
I occupied the kitchen table a couple of days.
It was the first time I quilted a spread this size (2,5yards x 2,5yards)

My dragonflies in yellow but they looks white on the picture
(pattern from Anette L) on the blue border .

I really hope they will like this gift.


söndag 7 juni 2009

Giveaway time

Lynda B is having a giveaway at Bozzy´s Blog.

Crawling on the floor and using my gun.

I had a great saturday, a glass of wine and I was crawling on the floor!!!!
No it wasn´t that bad.
I and my DH were sandwiching the weddingquilt .
I have to clean out my sewing-room and then there were enough space for this big quilt.

Then I used my "bastinggun" for the first time.
It worked really good.
Many shots and hopefully easier to quilt than with safety pins.

Dagens recept

Rabarbermuffins (12 stycken)
Kompott:150g rabarber, 3msk socker, 1msk vatten.
Muffins: 150g smör, 3 bittermandlar, 4½dl vetemjöl, 1msk bakpulver, 2 ägg, 2dl strösocker, 2dl lätt creme fraiche.
1.Ansa rabarberna och skär i mindre bitar.Sjud rabarbern mjuk tilsammans med socker och vatten utan lock.Låt kallna.
2.Sätt ugnen på 175 grader.Smörj och bröa en muffinsplåt eller ställ muffinsformar på en plåt.
3.Smält smöret och låt det svalna.Riv mandlarna fint och blanda med mjöl och bakpulver.Vispa ägg och socker pösigt.Tillsätt smör och creme fraiche, lite i taget. Blanda i mjölet.
4.Fördela smeten i formarna.Gör ett hål i smeten och klicka i kompotten.
5.Grädda mitt i ugnen 20-25 minuter.

Ur Land nr 23 2009

Hugs to all .........................Ankie

torsdag 4 juni 2009

Pay it forward and a new toy for mama

I have sign up for Pay it Forward with Dawn.
It is allways fun surprising someone with a gift.
Here's how Pay It Forward works:
I've signed up and am committed to send the next 3 people who sign up here with me on my blog, a handmade item and goodie package within 365 days.
By accepting my invitation, you agree to Pay it Forward to the next 3 people who sign up with you (on your blog) and send them something within 365 days.
Want to join the fun and Pay It Forward?
Write a comment, copy the PIF picture and put it on your blog and link it back to me.

Yesterday I bought a new toy

A new camera Nikon D60, now I know what to do.
Taking pictures and taking pictures.

But I have to start the sewing machine.
I have been wating for some inspiration and hopefylly it has arrived.

Hugs to all of you....................Ankie

tisdag 2 juni 2009

A question about pictures on blogspot

I have a question about adding photos here on blogspot.
Sometimes you can click on the photo and it will be enhanced and sometimes not.
I upload the pictures in the same way every time.
At least I think that...........or am I just stupid.

More Hugs ...............Ankie

Better late than never

I am participating in 4 different BOMs.
I started out very well and finished those each month.
But now I´m 2 months behind, so now I really have to put myself together.
Yesterday I finished the last April block.

Dawn at Dawn Hay designs is having a Pattern Giveaway.
It is an adorable set of a pegbag and an iron caddy.
Last day of entrie is 20th June.

Dagens recept
Rabarbersaft från Kalmar

4 kg skalade och tunt skivade rabarber
3 stora eller 4 mindre citroner
2 påsar vin- eller citronsyra
Blanda i en stor gryta eller hink och häll på vatten så att det täcker rabarberna.
Låt stå i kylen 4 dagar.
Sila och mät avrunnen saft.
Tillsätt 5-7dl socker per liter avrunnen saft.
Vill man inte ha så söt saft brukar jag minska till 4dl /liter saft.
Tillsätt Atamon eller liknande för kallrörd saft.
Går även att frysa.

Hugs from................Ankie

måndag 1 juni 2009

Mothers day

Yesterday it was Mothers day here in Sweden.
What does this mean?
Well in our house, mother is very lazy and keep other working.
No children at home, but my husband was.
Sorry for him.

No cake today, I was celebrated last Friday instead.
We were at a restaurant in Gävle called ChurchStreet.
Terrific food etc.

Sorry all my swedish readers but I think it´s to messy writing in both swedish and english.
From now on it´s only in english
Except for 1 thing: Dagens Recept (Todays recipe)

300g rabarber
Drygt 2dl socker
3 ägg
3,5dl mjöl
175-200g smält smör eller margarin
Kanel och råsocker
Ägg och socker vispas fluffigt tillsätt mjöl och margarin.
Häll smeten i en smord och bröad form.
Skala och skär rabarbern i mindre bitar och stoppa ner i kakan.
Strö över kanel och råsocker.
Skjuts in i ugnen ca 55 minuter (175-200 grader)
Avnjutes med en kopp nybryggt kaffe.
OK då.... te går också bra.
Hugs from Ankie
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