tisdag 8 september 2009

New home for a rabbit

Yesterday I got mail!!
a package from Tanja :-)
I won her giveaway which was
an adorable "Tilda rabbit"
Thank you so much Tanja
she was worth waiting for.
Here she is sitting in my bedroom window.

This weekend my quilting-group
Quiltkramarna ("The quilt hugs")
started with it´s meeting after the summerbreak.
I manage to quilt an old UFO I found in a box.
.............something for my kitchen table

A couple of month ago
I joined a Rainbow swap organized by Jane
-Thank you Jane!!!-
and here is a peak off some of the blocks put together
now I just have to figure out how to quilt it
I have some ideas...............

Hugs to all of you......................Ankie

3 kommentarer:

Kritta22 sa...

That bunny is so cute!
So I was wondering if you wanted to still trade with me...pumpkins, for the Halloween swap.
I didn't get my bum in gear to make the Sept deadline. But life is settled now.
Kritta22@hotmail.com if you are interested.

Annika sa...

Ta en kik i min blogg :)

Cattinka sa...

You make beautiful patchwork items, and you have a lovely blog. Do you mind if I stop by more often?

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